A Hope For Home A Hope For Home - The Crippling Fear

All too often in the light of facing evidence which might run contrary to our beliefs, we choose to shut our eyes and close our ears in order to never second-guess ourselves or truly understand what we believe. It goes both ways, whether you believe in a higher power or not. It is a crippling fear which leaves us pinned to close-mindedness, and keeps us from ever being able to see beyond our prejudices and preconcieved beliefs. The man stands at the gate of the way he wants to see the world, and the way it truly is. If Truth exists, it exists outside of us, and we have no say in shaping it or reshaping it to fit in our boxes.

For too long we have lived in a confounded state of being, with nothing to lessen
the sting of knowing that all toil and gain is just the ebb and flow of time.

Was it all a lie?

We fail every time we let this fear inside - reason given way to overarching pride.
By our own design we were led astray. Crossing ageless lines. Blind men led the way.

We hold to whatever makes us safe as if Truth was all too much to take.
We crawl like shadows in the night. The illusion fades with morning's light.

We will fail every time we let this fear inside.
We must open our hearts to look beyond ourselves,
then we'll understand that all of us can see everything as day,
a light to guide the way, a reason for today.

We say... Are these the words of God, or reflections of mine?
Will I find that path, or just circle around, damned to the unknown?